The release date of Pushpa Two movie has been postponed. Yes, you heard it right. The release date of this movie has been postponed. Yes, I can understand your feelings. This news is bad but we cannot do anything. Now the release date of this movie has been postponed. If it has been done then when will this movie come out? What is the new release date? What is the reason for postponement? Which movie is going to be released in place of Pushpa 2 movie? We will tell you everything in this video. Watch the video completely so that So that you can know everything, Pushpa 2 movie was earlier scheduled to be released on 15th August but the release date of this movie has been postponed, till now the makers of this movie have not announced it officially but consider this news as confirmed because Right now while I am making this video, there is a movie of Akshay Kumar in Khel Khel.
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The release date of this movie has been confirmed. This movie of Akshay Kumar will give you 15 Will be seen in August, this news is correct because Akshay Kumar has come to know that Pushpa 2 movie will be postponed, that is why he has announced the release date of his movie,

so consider it confirmed that the date of Pushpa 2 movie will now be postponed. The reason for postponement of Pushpa 2 movie is that it is being told that the post production work of this movie has not been completed yet, hence Sukumar needs some more time to complete the post production work of this movie. that pushpa to movie now When will you get to see it in theaters in Hindi? I told you in the Pan India video that the release date of Dera movie can be preponed and now you can see Dera movie on 27th September, so there is a high chance that Pushpa to movie. Now you will get to see it on 10th October and the news is also that we can get to see Pushpa 2 movie on 27th September and in place of Pushpa 2 movie, Debrani will be on 15th August. Yes friends, we can get Debrani on 15th August. So there are still two dates for Pushpa Two movie. Pushpa Two Movie will be released either on 27th September or on 10th October and friends, the makers of Gian Vikram sir’s movie Thangal Movie are also planning to release their movie on 15th August, they have also come to know that Now Pushpa 2 movie is not going to release on 15th August so they are also planning to release their movie on 15th August only.